Our mission: Help professionals and entrepreneurs conquer the new world of AI

Do That Dave is an online education platform where professionals and entrepreneurs with little to no technical experience can discover generative AI technology, and explore how to use it in their career or business.

Our interactive learning “missions” guide our students (or explorers, as we like to call them) through the core concepts of generative AI – so they can understand how the technology works – and demonstrate real-world use cases, so they can incorporate AI tools into their work immediately. 

Most of our missions can be completed at your own pace, but we also offer live (online) skills training sessions that complement our e-learning content.

AI education and training for all

No technical experience is required -- if you can open a web site, you can learn to harness AI with us.

Supportive learning community

Interact with your peers in discussion forums and participate in AI "challenges" to learn new techniques and show off your skills. 

Interactive training environment

Every mission includes a mix of training “objectives,” including short videos, engaging exercises, and hands-on projects, so you can absorb and apply new AI concepts and skills.

Focus on responsible use

We think AI has the power to change the world, but we fully acknowledge its limitations and risks. We'll give you the tools you need to navigate the world of AI safely and ethically.

Why should I learn about AI?

In the past, groundbreaking technologies have often led to the concentration of power in the hands of a few large corporations. Think about how a handful of companies now dominate sectors like social media, e-commerce, and digital advertising. We’re at a similar crossroads with AI. But this time, we have a chance to change the narrative.

Education is our most powerful tool to ensure that AI doesn't just benefit the few. By making AI knowledge accessible to everyone, we can distribute its power more evenly and prevent a new tech oligopoly. It’s about handing the transformative tools of AI back to the people, where they can be used for the greatest good.

The gap in tech literacy is widening, but there’s still time for to get caught up. Everyone should know how to use AI responsibly and have a say in its future. We founded Do That Dave to create a supportive community where individuals and organizations can prepare for an AI-powered world.
OuR team

Meet our Chief Navigator

Tara Bonhorst

CEO & Founder
I'm a longtime educator at the epicenter of innovation in San Francisco's 'Cerebral Valley,' where the AI revolution is unfolding before my eyes. This unique position inspired me to launch Do That Dave, an online learning community where anyone can learn how to use AI to make their work easier, and better. My goal? To extend the reach of these groundbreaking technologies beyond tech circles to everyone who can benefit from them. Our platform simplifies AI, by guiding our learners through engaging and practical experiences. It emphasizes real-world applications, making complex concepts accessible.

My path to Do That Dave was paved by my efforts to empower marginalized groups through education. I've developed programs that foster business ownership and tech literacy, driving social change. This work has taught me the critical importance of making technology inclusive. With Do That Dave, I aim to bridge the tech gap, and create a future where everyone can shape the technological landscape.

Explore new intelligence

Launch your AI learning odyssey with our interactive AI training missions, where you'll explore how AI is changing the way we work and learn to put it to work for you.